Monday, December 19, 2016

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It must be that 'new' math they have been doing.
Here is what is happening at Oasis Academy this week.

Algebra 2 - We are getting ready to take our 1st Semester Finals on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. This test is very important for their semester average. I gave the students a Practice Final last week to help study from.  We will do a little more reviewing Monday before we take the test. Any retake quizzes, tests or late homework need to be turned in this week.

Geometry - We are getting ready to take our 1st Semester Finals on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. This test is very important for their semester average. I gave the students a Practice Final last week to help study from.  We will do a little more reviewing Monday before we take the test. Any retake quizzes, tests or late homework need to be turned in this week.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

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Remember......'thou shalt not divide by zero'. Weird things can happen.
Here is what is going to happen at Oasis Academy this week in math!

Algebra 2 students will divide polynomials using long and synthetic division. The 'Remainder Theorem' is introduced to determine if one polynomial is a factor of another. We will  solve polynomial equations by factoring and graphing. Students will solve problems using the rational, irrational and imaginary root theorems. We are at the end of the 2nd nine-weeks. Students will be given a progress report on Monday and it will show any missing work that needs to be turned in and quizzes that need to be taken/retaken.  I will be giving the students the 1st Semester Practice Final. The fifty question 1st Semester Algebra 2 Final will be given on Tuesday 12/20 and Wednesday 12/21. The final is worth 20% of the students semester grade and should be taken seriously.

Geometry students will start the week by taking the Chapter 6 Practice Test and the Chapter 6 Test. We will start Chapter 7 by learning to write ratios and solving proportions. We are at the end of the 2nd nine-weeks. Students will be given a progress report on Monday and it will show any missing work that needs to be turned in and quizzes that need to be taken/retaken.  I will be giving the students the 1st Semester Practice Final. The fifty question 1st Semester Geometry Final will be given on Tuesday 12/20 and Wednesday 12/21. The final is worth 20% of the students semester grade and should be taken seriously.

Friday, December 2, 2016

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They can't seem to ever get along.....

Here is what is happening in math during this very busy week at Oasis Academy.

Algebra 2 - We are going to finish our Chapter 5 Exam and test corrections on Monday. We  start Chapter 6 by classifying polynomials and finding cubic models. Students will analyze the factored form of a polynomial and write a polynomial function from its zeros. We will also divide polynomials using long and synthetic division.

Geometry - We will determine if a quadrilateral is a parallelogram. Students will use properties of diagonals of rhombuses and rectangles. We will verify and use properties of trapezoids and kites. Students will name coordinates of special figures by using their properties.

Friday, November 25, 2016

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We won't  have to make a phone call this week. We will learn a way to memorize the quadratic equation using the tune to 'Pop Goes the Weasel'. Here is what's happening this week!

Algebra 2 - We are going to solve quadratic equations by 'completing the square'. Students will learn how to derive the 'quadratic equation' and then use it to solve equations. We take the Chapter 5 Practice Test on Wednesday and the Chapter 5 Test on Thursday.

Geometry  - Students will start by finishing the Chapter 5 Test. The nine-week project 'Design a Zoo' is due Tuesday. We will start Chapter 6 by defining and classifying special types of quadrilaterals. We will use relationships among sides and among angles of parallelograms. We will be able to determine whether a quadrilateral is a parallelogram.

Friday, November 18, 2016

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Have you ever had an 'imaginary' friend?
We had some  this last week in Algebra 2. Here is what is going on this week in math.

Algebra 2 - This week we are going to be solving equations by completing the square and rewriting functions by completing the square. I gave all the students progress reports last week. They know of all the assignments they have missing or any quizzes or tests they need to retake.

Geometry - We have just finished Chapter 5. Students will take the Chapter 5 Practice Test on Monday and the Chapter 5 Test on Tuesday. Their 'Design a Zoo' project is due on November 29th. I gave all the students progress reports last week. They know of all the assignments they have missing or any quizzes or tests they need to retake.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

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I was always wondering where he was hiding!
Here is what is happening at Oasis Academy this week in mathematics.

Algebra 2 - We spent last week working with two different equations of quadratics. This week we will find common and binomial factors of quadratic expressions. We will solve quadratic equations by factoring and completing the square. We will also identify, add, subtract and multiply complex (imaginary) numbers.

Geometry - Last week we reviewed  how to find the area of several different polygons and shapes involving circles for our 'Design a Zoo' project. This week students will have a $2,000,000 budget and 1,000,000 square feet of land to build their zoo. We have to select animals and make sure their exhibits and buildings satisfy their space needs. We will also identify properties of perpendicular bisectors, angle bisectors, medians, and altitudes of triangles.  Students will be able to use inequalities involving angles and sides of triangles.

Monday, November 7, 2016

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Is that for the main course or dessert? Math is always good!
Here is what we are doing in math this week. Dig in!

Algebra 2 - We are identifying quadratic functions and graphs. We will find maximums and minimum values of quadratic functions. We will learn how to use the vertex form of a quadratic function. We will find common and binomial factors of quadratic expressions..

Geometry - We will finish our Chapter 4 Tests and start our nine-week project 'Design a Zoo'. We will use properties of midsegments of triangles to solve problems. We will learn how to use properties of perpendicular  and angle bisectors. We will identify properties of perpendicular bisectors, angle bisectors, medians and altitudes of triangles.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

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It is always nice to have friends. Real friends that is....
 Here is what we are doing in math this week.

Algebra 2 students will finish Chapter 4 this week. We will start by representing translations, dilations, reflections and rotations with matrices. Students will take a Chapter 4 practice test on Tuesday. They will start their Chapter 4 Test on Wednesday and finish it on Thursday.
Geometry students will learn to use and apply properties of isosceles triangles. They will be able to prove triangles are congruent by using the Hypotenuse-Leg Theorem. We will identify congruent overlapping triangles and prove two triangles congruent by first proving two other triangles congruent. 
Mr. Martin and I are looking forward to seeing you this week for parent teacher conferences.  

Friday, October 21, 2016

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Seems like there are always plenty of problems in this world. We are going to use math to solve all of ours this week.

Algebra 2 students will start a new chapter this week on matrices. We will identify them and find their elements. We then learn how to add, subtract and multiply them. Students will also learn how to use matrices to represent translations, dilations, reflections and rotations of geometric figures.

Geometry students will start a new chapter this week on congruent triangles. We will begin by recognizing congruent figures and their corresponding parts. We will prove triangles are congruent by SSS, SAS, ASA postulates and the AAS theorem. Students will use triangle congruence and 'corresponding parts of congruent triangles are congruent' to prove the parts of two congruent triangles are congruent.

Friday, October 7, 2016

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A cute couple. They 'compliment' each other.....

The end of the first nine weeks!
Algebra 2 students will be finishing the nine-weeks by solving systems of equations with three variables. They will take their Chapter 3 Practice Test and Chapter 3 Test. They need to make sure  all of their missing assignments, quizzes and tests are made up by this Thursday.

Geometry Students will by finishing the nine-weeks by finding parallel and perpendicular lines and writing their equations. They will take their Chapter 3 Practice Test and Chapter 3 Test. They need to make sure  all of their missing assignments, quizzes and tests are made up by this Thursday.

Friday, September 30, 2016

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I never liked getting in trouble with mom. My wife uses my full name now.

Here are the things we will do this week to keep you out of trouble......

Algebra 2 - We just finished our Chapter 2 exam last Thursday. This week we are going to solve systems of linear equations and inequalities. We will tell the difference between dependent, independent and inconsistent equations. We will solve systems of equations by graphing, substitution and elimination. Solving linear inequalities is always fun because we get to use our colored pencils. I hope we remember to bring them. Last but not least, we will solve systems in three variables by elimination and substitution.

Geometry - We begin the week by classifying polygons. We will find the measures of interior and exterior angles of polygons. We will graph lines given their equations. We will also write equations of lines in the slope-intercept form, point-slope form and standard (general) form. We will find that the slopes of parallel lines and perpendicular lines are negative reciprocals of each other.  That is the end of Chapter 3. Students will take a Chapter 3 Practice Test on Thursday. The rough draft of their 'Geometry by Design' project is due Thursday.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

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You would be surprised what you find in math.... Here is what we will find this week at Oasis!

Algebra 2 students will be graphing absolute value functions. We will learn how to use parent functions to do stretches, shrinks and reflections (sounds exhausting). We will get our colored pencils out and use them to graph linear and absolute value inequalities. Students will take a Chapter 2 Practice Test on Thursday.

Geometry students were introduced to their 'Geometry by Design' nine-week project last week. They will be working on it for the next three weeks. They will also be identifying angles formed by two lines and a transversal. We will use transversals to prove parallel lines. They will relate parallel and perpendicular lines. Students will be able to classify triangles and find the measure of their angles.

Friday, September 16, 2016

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Those variables always seem to vary. It drives you crazy!

Here is what is happening in our math classes this week!

Algebra 2 students just had their Chapter 1 exam and now we have moved on to Functions, Equations and Graphs. We are going to be writing and interpreting direct variations and equations. We will write linear equations that model real-world data and make predictions from linear models. Students also graph absolute value functions.

Geometry students are finishing Chapter 2 this week. We will prove and study theorems about angles. Students will take a Chapter 2 Practice Test and then the Chapter 2 Test.

Friday, September 9, 2016

No wonder some things don't get turned in....... Lots of things going on in our math classes this week here at Oasis!

Algebra 2 students will take their first test on Monday on what we learned in Chapter 1. They got a practice test on Friday and we discussed all the problems. Later in the week we will learn about relations and functions. We will be able to write the equation of a line in different forms. We will explore slopes, intercepts, dependent and independent variables and more.

Geometry students will finish the Chapter 1 Test they started on Thursday of last week. We will be getting ready to write proofs soon so we will talk about conditional statements an their converses. Students will learn to use deductive reasoning. We will also use the Symmetry, Transitive and Reflexive Properties.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Seems that problems always arise when you are working with fractions......

Here is what we will be doing in our math classes this week at Oasis Academy!

Algebra 2 students will be finishing Chapter 1 by solving absolute value inequalities and learning about probability. Students will be given a Chapter 1 Practice Test this week to help them review for the Chapter 1 Test the following Monday.

Geometry students will be finding the area and perimeter of squares and rectangles. They will also find the area and circumference of circles. They will finish Chapter 1 this week and will be given a Chapter 1 Practice Test this week to help them review for the Chapter 1 Test this Thursday.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

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Poor Sally working on her story problems........ :)
Here is what we have planned to do in mathematics this week at Oasis Academy!

Algebra 2 students will be adding vectors using trigonometry to help them understand data they will be collecting in their science class. They will use this data with their 1st nine-week project. We will solve and graph inequalities and compound inequalities. We will learn how to solve and graph absolute value equations and inequalities. We will also find experimental and theoretical probabilities. The Chapter 1 Test will be next week.

Geometry students learn how to construct congruent angles and segments. They will also bisect angles and segments with a compass and straight edge. We will learn how to find the distance between two points using the distance formula and how to find the midpoint of two points using the midpoint formula. We will then find the perimeter, circumference and areas of rectangles squares and circles. Students will be given their first practice test of the nine weeks on Friday. The Chapter 1 Test  will be next week. The practice tests are important because the exact problem types are on the test.

Friday, August 19, 2016

We are not math atheists at Oasis Academy so we will explore these ideas this week....  :)

Algebra II students are going to have fun with Trigonometry to help them with their group project. We will define the Sine, Cosine and Tangent Ratios. We will also find the resultant of two vectors. Students will learn how to solve and graph inequalities  and compound inequalities. We will also solve absolute value equations. Students will have a quiz every Thursday unless we are taking a test that day.

Geometry students will explore the Cartesian Coordinate System,  find lengths of segments and midpoints. They will use a protractor to measure angles and identify special angle pairs. Constructions will be used to copy line segments, angles and to bisect angles and line segments. students will find the distance between two points in the coordinate plane using the distance formula. They will start their 1st nine-week project on Origami this week.   Students will have a quiz every Thursday unless we are taking a test that day.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Algebra II classes can expect to discuss the following during the week of August 15th....
We will start by reviewing class rules, expectations and syllabus. We will graph and order real numbers. We will identify and use properties of real numbers. Students will be able to evaluate and simplify algebraic expressions. We will be able to solve equations and solve problems by writing equations. Students will be able to solve and graph inequalities, We will then solve and write compound inequalities.

Geometry classes can expect to discuss the following during the week of August 15th....
We will start by reviewing class rules, expectations and syllabus.  We will graph and order real numbers. We will identify and use properties of real numbers. Students will use inductive reasoning to use conjectures. We will learn the basic terms and basic postulates of geometry. Students will identify segments and rays and be able to recognize parallel lines.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Monday, August 8, 2016

OACP Supply List 2016-2017

Oasis Academy College Prep
Student Supply List, 9th - 10th Grades

1 Binder with student information provided by Oasis

Individual Supplies:  These will be used by you, so choose what you like to work with.

  • 2 additional 3-ring binders with divider tabs, used only for math and science
  • Loose leaf college-rule paper for all binders
  • Graph paper for math binder
  • 1  spiral-bound college-rule notebook (not a composition book), with at least 100 pages and a pocket folder.  Can be one or three subject, used only for English
  • 1 Composition book, used only for Science
  • Pencils, standard or mechanical with extra lead and erasers
  • 4-6 Pens, blue or black ink
  • 1 set 8-12 colored pencils
  • 1 set of 4 multi-colored highlighters
  • Metric ruler, scissors, compass, and protractor
  • 1 scientific calculator (examples are TI 30 or Casio fx-260, must have trig functions, logs, and fractions)
  • Apron or lab jacket (recommended for Science)

Shared Supplies:  These items will be turned in on the first day of school and stored at school for use throughout the year.

  • Standard pencils - 1 package of 20-24
  • Glue sticks - one package of 3 large
  • Kleenex - 3 boxes
  • Toilet paper - 1 package
  • Cleaning wipes - 1 package
  • Paper towels - 1 package
  • Disposable surgical gloves - 1 box
  • Last name A - M:   1 container of Hand sanitizer.
  • Last Name N - Z:  1 box of zip top bags, any size.