Monday, December 19, 2016

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It must be that 'new' math they have been doing.
Here is what is happening at Oasis Academy this week.

Algebra 2 - We are getting ready to take our 1st Semester Finals on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. This test is very important for their semester average. I gave the students a Practice Final last week to help study from.  We will do a little more reviewing Monday before we take the test. Any retake quizzes, tests or late homework need to be turned in this week.

Geometry - We are getting ready to take our 1st Semester Finals on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. This test is very important for their semester average. I gave the students a Practice Final last week to help study from.  We will do a little more reviewing Monday before we take the test. Any retake quizzes, tests or late homework need to be turned in this week.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Image result for math cartoons

Remember......'thou shalt not divide by zero'. Weird things can happen.
Here is what is going to happen at Oasis Academy this week in math!

Algebra 2 students will divide polynomials using long and synthetic division. The 'Remainder Theorem' is introduced to determine if one polynomial is a factor of another. We will  solve polynomial equations by factoring and graphing. Students will solve problems using the rational, irrational and imaginary root theorems. We are at the end of the 2nd nine-weeks. Students will be given a progress report on Monday and it will show any missing work that needs to be turned in and quizzes that need to be taken/retaken.  I will be giving the students the 1st Semester Practice Final. The fifty question 1st Semester Algebra 2 Final will be given on Tuesday 12/20 and Wednesday 12/21. The final is worth 20% of the students semester grade and should be taken seriously.

Geometry students will start the week by taking the Chapter 6 Practice Test and the Chapter 6 Test. We will start Chapter 7 by learning to write ratios and solving proportions. We are at the end of the 2nd nine-weeks. Students will be given a progress report on Monday and it will show any missing work that needs to be turned in and quizzes that need to be taken/retaken.  I will be giving the students the 1st Semester Practice Final. The fifty question 1st Semester Geometry Final will be given on Tuesday 12/20 and Wednesday 12/21. The final is worth 20% of the students semester grade and should be taken seriously.

Friday, December 2, 2016

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They can't seem to ever get along.....

Here is what is happening in math during this very busy week at Oasis Academy.

Algebra 2 - We are going to finish our Chapter 5 Exam and test corrections on Monday. We  start Chapter 6 by classifying polynomials and finding cubic models. Students will analyze the factored form of a polynomial and write a polynomial function from its zeros. We will also divide polynomials using long and synthetic division.

Geometry - We will determine if a quadrilateral is a parallelogram. Students will use properties of diagonals of rhombuses and rectangles. We will verify and use properties of trapezoids and kites. Students will name coordinates of special figures by using their properties.